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  Business interpretation requires a lot of interpreters. At the same time, they should have fluent expression skills and translation skills in order to translate quickly and accurately. What are the characteristics of business interpretation?


  1、 Speed


  The speed of business interpretation should be guaranteed. If a person has finished speaking, when he has finished speaking, the translator needs to translate the words within a few seconds. Sometimes the translator has to convey them when others are talking, so as to ensure that the other party knows what he is saying in a short time. Generally, during the international leaders' meeting, some translators will be equipped to translate and understand the contents of the meeting in time.


  2、 Accurate


  Business interpreters should be accurate in translation. If translation errors will have a great impact, especially in international conferences, if translators convey errors, it will affect the peace between countries. Therefore, interpreters should be accurate in translation without any errors to avoid major problems that cannot be solved.


  3、 Clear


  Many business interpreters have not reached a certain level of competence, so they are not clear when translating, so the listener does not know what to express. Therefore, as a professional interpreter, you not only need to be fast and accurate, but also ensure that the words conveyed are clear.

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